Friday, July 31, 2009

The Shakesploitation Project

In July and August 2009, a troupe of actors retired to a rehearsal space to develop a theatrical exploration of Shakespeare's materworks. Lead into the artistc endeavor by playwright Andy Grigg and Director John Doyle, the company hoped to discover new meaning in the bard's writing through extreme meathods. They were never heard from again. The following blog video was found in a canister under a pile of outdated pack of M&M peanut candies and stale twizzlers along with a few crumpled and bloodied pages of a play called Shakesploiation II. We share this with you in the interest of giving voice to this humble actor who struggles so hard to get the message out before is potentially unforutante end. We hope to be able to get more video from the tape, but the damage is terrifying.

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